12 basic tips for new Blogger choose best platform

12 basic tips for new Blogger

Blogging basic tips
                                                          For the beginners, this is very difficult to understand the a,b, C's of blogging. This is not so simple that you can observe two or more YouTube videos on blogging and become expertise in it.  First of all, to start blogging you have the deep subject knowledge, on which you are proposed to start a blog.  For success in blogging, you have to give first if you want to receive, have to solve a problem, Basic knowledge of computer languages, social sites, digital marketing is also necessary for success in blogging.

                                             There are millions of YouTube videos on blogging, showing practical tips and tricks. But if you follow the basic things explain hear, then you don’t need all those artificial things which give temporary results. Honestly speaking if you are not familiar with writing on any topic, please forgot about blogging.  

                                          When you are writing a blog post for your website blog, these are the most important tips that need to follow for quality content and make them SEO friendly:

1. Define goals for your blogging.

  • To set a vision, you have to be defining goals first for every project or business.
  • Think about these to establish your goals:
  • Determine your “why” for writing?
  • Focus your content on a specific target?
  • Value-added content for your readers?
  • Use a specific format for writing.
  • Your content is of help type.
  • The interest of your readers.

2. Invest in your blog.

For better performance, you should invest in your blog in terms of
  • Time:  for original and useful content for your readers.
  • Money:  to hire a professional web designer to help.
This will enhance the experience of your readers in these areas:
  • The text should be readable on the desktop as well as mobile.
  • A web page is responsive.
  • Design elements for a number of blogs should be consistent.
  • Determine what you offer your readers.
  • Your content must not be irrelevant.

3. Quality of your blog posts.

To maintain the quality of your blog article: 
  • Content on your blog must be original, don’t copy or rewriting
  • Content should be relevant to the topic and blog.
  • Share the information for free.
  • Use of bold, italic, underline, heading, subheading, a minor heading is important.
  • Use a keyword such that its volume is high CPC is about 2 to 4 and competition is low.
  • Don't use confusing language and an arrogant voice on your blog.
  • Blog posts contain at least 2000 words, such as case studies, numbered tips or guidelines, long lists.
  • Create an article focusing on a specific area, this will increase your thought leadership.
  • Large paragraphs are difficult to read and understand so Break up blog content in small paragraphs
  • Highlight key points to keep a reader’s attention.
  • Add images that enhance your story, articles with images are more interesting for readers.
  • Provide a conclusion for readers at the end of a post or ask a question that will start the conversation. 

 4. List of topics for writing a blog post.

  • First of all, make a list of topics that you have through knowledge.
  • Topics will base on your niche keywords.
  • Write down the general idea but ready to answer each question of your reader.
  • At least publish one post per week, so keep ready with 50 topics
  • Create categories/ pages on navigation.
  • Create a schedule according to your topic list.
  • Understand the sex, age, and income of your audience

 5. Right keyword for your blog post.

  • Use Google keyword planner, keyword everywhere, SME scoop and so on to finalize your keyword.
  • A proper keyword will index, rank your post within a short time in search engines.
  • This is very important: if we search for anything on Google: we will Click on links that appear on the first page.
  • The chances of clicking on links that appear on second or further pages are very low.

 6. Use of images in your blog.

  • Add images that enhance your story, articles with images are more interesting for readers.
  • Name your image files with your keyword.
  • Include alt tags for all images with your keyword within a post.
  • Always use paid images, if not possible use royalty-free images from free stock photo sources
  • Check Exif data for images before using them.
  • Use your blog post headline as a tag or capstan for the image.

7.  Google Analytics in your blog.

  • You must know who is visiting your blog
  • By which platform (operating system, browser, service provider)
  • At what time
  • Which language
  • Which age
  • Which city/ nation
  • Returning visitors
  • New visitors
  • No of session
  • Average session duration
  • Page view
  • Bounce rate
  • Exit pages
  • Conversion rate
  • Top pages
  •  All the above things need to be tracked

Knowing this blogger will conclude which content, topics, keywords and audience has to be targeted

8. Add social buttons on your blog.

  • Social sites drive traffic to your blog by sharing your content.
  • Social network buttons must be shown on your blog.
  • Choose social networks on which you have more followers.

promote your blog article

9. Check spelling and grammar for your blog post.

  • Using the check tool analyzed 
  • Grammar
  • Context
  • Sentence structure
  • Writing style checks
  • Plagiarism checks
  • Sequentially also done proofreading before publishing your post
  • To maintain your reputation make sure all statements are true

10. Marketing your blog to reach maximum readers.

  • You will improve your traffic, page view, session as well as earning by marketing your post
  • Use an Email if you have a list of the subscriber.
  • Customized your campaign by adding image and headline, that will grab people’s attention.
  • Email your subscriber list with the latest blog post.
  • Submit your blog post to popular bookmarking sites.
  • Submit your blog post to niche bookmarking sites
  • Promote blog posts over time.
  • Respond to blog comments and questions
  • Convert your article in the video, infographic, an e-book, or a Slideshare presentation and your link in it.

11. The minimum requirement for promotion of your blog articles

  • Search engine optimized (SEO) responsive theme
  • Attractive title and headline
  • Searchable keyword
  • Right meta description
  • Proper setting of sitemap and robot.txt
  • Good quality backlink
  • URL containing your keyword
  • Your Social sites follower

post 1-2 article/ week on the blog

 12. Don’t stop blogging.

 There is no immediate result.
  • Don’t get frustrated when you’re less view and zero comments.
  • Consistency is very important.
  • Concentrate on high-quality content writing.
  • Commitment and hard work gives you results

Choose the best platform Blogger or WordPress

Benefits of Blogger 

  • Completely free
  • Easy to use
  • Security is not a concern as Google is managing everything
  • With Google AdSense, you can make money from blogging

Blogger disadvantages

  • Limited tools available
  • Limited Themes
  • No special updates
  • you have to do manual SEO
  • Being owned by Google, they may terminate the blog if their terms are violated.

Benefits of WordPress

  • No setup is required when starting up
  • Easy to use
  • Free Hosting
  • Various plugins available for SEO
  • Many free themes

Disadvantages of WordPress

  • You have to pay for Hosting
  • You may not advertise with a free plan
  • Because WordPress.com has complete ownership, they may terminate the blog if their terms are violated.
  • Cannot import third party themes

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