Insomnia- sleeplessness

            Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common problem in all ages, in which it hard for you to fall asleep or stay asleep. According to some research, The more optimistic we are, the better we get to sleep. 
          Near about 50 percent of adults experience occasional insomnia and 10 percent report having chronic insomnia. It causes daytime sleepiness and not feeling freshness when you wake up. 
           Stress, certain medical and mental health, and menopause is a common cause of insomnia or sleeplessness.
Insomnia Hopeful People Are Not Suffering.
Insomnia Hopeful People Are Not Suffering. 
Some of the questions are solved here
  1. What causes sleepless nights?
  2. How can I avoid sleepless nights?
  3. What is the best treatment for insomnia?
  4. Can insomnia go away?
  5. What is the main cause of insomnia?
  6. How can I stop my insomnia?
  7. What are the 3 types of insomnia?
  8. Can you die from insomnia?

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is said to work 20 hours a day. "I have very little sleep. All my doctor friends consistently advise me that I should increase my sleeping. I should sleep for a minimum of 5 to 6 hours. But I have become so workaholic and it has become my habit for many years that I hardly sleep for 3.5 hours. But it is very sound sleep. I go to bed and within 30 seconds I fall asleep," PM Modi said during an interview in 2011.
Former US president Barack Obama once said in a talk show, "I'll stay up until like 2 o'clock at night, reading briefings and doing work."
Both leaders are not affected by insomnia or sleeplessness. Now compare your sleep time and daily work with these two top leaders. The reason behind that is the quality of sleep which affects your mental and physical health, including your productivity, energy level, emotional balance, brain and heart functions, the immune system, vitality, and even your weight.

Avoid insomnia or sleeplessness

What are the benefits of quality/ deep sleep?

In the brain, glucose metabolism increases during deep sleep. supporting overall learning, long-term memory, and short-term.
Restore your energy.
Faster your cell regeneration which promotes growth.
More blood supply to muscles
Strengthen your immune system
Repair of tissues and bones
What will happen if you don't get enough deep sleep?
Without enough sleep, the brain can’t convert information into memory.
If you don't get enough sleep you will suffer from various diseases such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Depression, and Stroke.
The deep sleep is also associated with certain disorders, like Bedwetting, Sleepwalking, Sleep Eating, Night Terrors.

How much sleep do you need to avoid Insomnia?

You spend about 75 % of your night in non-REM sleep and 25 % in REM sleep.
This is observed that there are decreases in deep sleep with age. The age group of 20 to 40, may get two hours of deep sleep each night. Between 40 to 60, it is for one hour and after the age of 60, people may get a half-hour of deep sleep or none.
Younger people may need more deep sleep because it promotes the growth and development of the body. Older people also need deep sleep.

Average Sleep Needs by Age

Some research shows the following results in the case of insomnia.
Age                                                                              Hours Needed           
Newborn to 3 months old                                         14 – 17 hrs          
4 to 11 months old                                                      12 – 15 hrs          
1 to 2 years old                                                             11 – 14 hrs             
3 to 5 years old                                                             10 – 13 hrs               
6 to 13 years old                                                            9 – 11 hrs        
14 to 17 years old                                                          8 – 10 hrs       
Young adults (18 to 25 years old)                             7 – 9 hrs   
Adults (26 to 64 years old)                                         7 – 9 hrs            
Older adults (65+)                                                         7 – 8 hrs
Source: National Sleep Foundation

What Are REM and Non-REM Sleep?

There are two types of sleep, one is REM and the other is NON-REM.

What Is REM Sleep?

REM means rapid eye movement. It takes 80 to 90 minutes to reach REM sleep.
The REM starts with the first stage of 10 minutes. Thereafter the REM stages increase and completed with the last stage of one hour.
Within REM sleep your heart rate and breathing quicken, muscles in your arms and legs are losing all séances and you can have vivid and bizarre dreams during REM sleep.
Babies can spend about 50% of their sleep in the REM stage while adults spend only 20%.

What Happens During Non-REM Sleep?

There are three phases of non-REM sleep.
1) It's easy to wake up you if someone disturbs you but eyes are closed for some time.
2) Your body temperature drops and slows down your heart rate. Now your body is getting ready for deep sleep.
3) This is the stage of deep sleep. It's harder to wake up you, and if it happens you would feel uneasy.

Insomnia- sleeplessness
Insomnia- sleeplessness

Insomnia Common Causes

According to various researches, these are some results mentioned here that cause insomnia.

Lifestyle Problems:

he life comprises of various life-changing steps. Every day is full of pressure, stress, anxiety, depression or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorders). All such psychological factors can introduce Insomnia.

Medical Problems and Medications:

Some health disorders such as asthma, chronic pain, acid reflux, cancer, and hyperthyroidism leads to sleep deprivation. Medications like cold and flu medicines, pain relievers, antidepressants, diuretics or high blood pressure medicines lead to insomnia.

Sleep Disorders:

When you suffer from restless legs syndrome or narcolepsy, this means you have affected your daily sleep.

Hormonal changes:

Sudden hormonal changes can lead to a delay in sleep-time.

Hectic Schedule:

The hectic daily schedule affects your sleep. You are tired but don’t have enough time to sleep.


Nowadays, watching television, the use of earphones to music listening, computer and mobile gaming or internet surfing is hampering your sleep.

Insomnia- sleeplessness

Types of insomnia

Acute Insomnia

Acute insomnia is for a short-time that may remain from some days to three weeks. Generally, occur due to some unexpected stressful event. Also be caused by sudden noise or light, pain, discomfort, infection, medical drugs.

Chronic insomnia

When you have a sleeping problem for three days per week within one month. Chronic insomnia can be primary or secondary.

Causes of chronic insomnia include

Decies, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, obstructive and central sleep apnea,
Medical conditions depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
Some drugs like chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, caffeine, beta-blockers,  alcohol, nicotine
Also lifestyle factors, including frequent travel rotating shift work, jet lag, and napping

Onset insomnia

Onset insomnia is short term or chronic in which there is trouble in initiating sleep.
Psychological or psychiatric issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression are the most common causes.
In this case, restless leg syndrome or periodic limb movement disorder also becomes a problem.

Maintenance insomnia

In Maintenance insomnia there is difficulty in staying asleep or waking up early and trouble to get back to sleep.
The main reasons behind that include
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Sleep apnea
Asthma and other respiratory conditions
Restless leg syndrome
Periodic limb movement disorder

Behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC)

It’s divided into three subtypes:

BIC sleep-onset.

This will occur when Childs are sleeping, parents doing some works, making noise or watching TV this will disturb sleep.

BIC limit-setting.

This type involves a child’s refusal to go to bed and parents repeated attempts or forced to put off them to sleep.

BIC combined type.

This is a combination of the sleep-onset and limit-setting.
This can be resolved by creating a healthy routine or self-soothing or by relaxation techniques.

Insomnia- sleeplessness

Risks and side effects of insomnia

Decreased performance at work or school
Increased risk of accidents
Causes depression and other mental health conditions
Risk of chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, and obesity.
Darkening under the eyes
Decision-making ability diminishes

Tips for better sleep 

  1. Stress management,
  2. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and good sleep habits.
  3. Even on holidays and weekends, keep bedtime and wake-up time consistent.
  4. With suitable bedding and sleepwear ensure a comfortable sleep environment.
  5. Reducing light exposure at night and getting good daylight exposure during waking hours
  6. Don't use a bedroom for working or studying.
  7. Avoiding napping after 3.00 p.m.
  8. Avoiding napping for longer than 90 minutes
  9. Not eating a heavy evening meal,
  10. Do Eat at least two hours before bed, and do not eat sweets before going to bed
  11. Don't watch television or mobile before going to bed
  12. Before going to bed Avoid smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco. Also, avoid evening alcohol or caffeine products
  13. Don't exercise within 2 hours of bedtime
  14. Including reading or listening to relaxing music activity in the bedtime ritual.
  15. 1 hour before going to bed leave phones and other electronic devices outside the bedroom.
  16. Drinking nutmeg powder in hot milk gives good sleep.

 Natural home remedies for insomnia and anxiety 

Following are some Natural home remedies for insomnia and anxiety

Hopeful People Are Not Suffering From Insomnia.


Glucose into honey gives the brain a message to shut off orexins, which causes sleep, stimulation, and hunger.

Hopeful People Are Not Suffering From Insomnia.


Almonds contain a large amount of magnesium, which is important for a sound sleep. By consuming almonds daily, magnesium levels are maintained properly. Decreased levels of magnesium in the body can lead to sleep problems.

Hopeful People Are Not Suffering From Insomnia.



Walnut contains amino acid tryptophan, which is a major contributor to sleep. This factor maintains proper levels of melatonin and serotonin, which maintains the body's sleep and wakefulness schedule.

Hopeful People Are Not Suffering From Insomnia.


Drinking nutmeg powder in hot milk gives good sleep. Also, the application of pest of nutmeg powder and milk on eyes helps to improve sleep

Hopeful People Are Not Suffering From Insomnia.


By now you've heard about how rice isn't good for health, but did you know that it helps improve sleep?
Because of the high glycemic index of rice, the time required for sleep is reduced.

What is your answer

You can’t move during REM sleep?
Adults need less or more sleep?
If you go to bed at 10 p.m., which wake-up time will make you most refreshed?
What is the effect of a nap more than 30 to 60 minutes?

When you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom: switch on a light or not?