Baumrind Parenting Styles Affect Child Development

Parenting Styles Child Development
Parenting Styles Child Development

Parenting Styles affect child development

        Parenting Styles and child development are the two sides of a coin. Mental, physical economical behavior is part of Parenting styles. Each and every activity of parents will affect child development.
There is no established ideal method for child-rearing.  You have to combine one or more methods as per your family background, economic condition, and level of understanding.  
Different stages in life require different parenting styles. The mother is the whole world for a new infant. After that mother and father are the whole things. Then family members, friends, and the whole society are introduced in his life.

Why parenting styles study is important?

Various researchers state different theories for parenting styles and child development.  I said that there is no fixed model for parenting but it becomes easy to conclude by discussing and studying the various styles.
The study of establishing theories of parenting styles helps us to understand the effects of parenting styles on children's behavior and their career development.

Parenting Styles Diana Baumrind

Diana Baumrind study parenting styles based on the factors
  1. Disciplinary strategies,
  2. Warmth and nurturing,
  3. Communication styles, and
  4. Expectations of maturity and control.

What are the 3 main parenting styles?

According to the above factors, Diana Baumrind states following parenting styles for child development
  1. Authoritative parenting,
  2. Authoritarian parenting 
  3. Permissive parenting
After that fourth style “uninvolved parenting” is added to the original parenting styles.
Types of Parenting Styles

Authoritarian Parenting

 Authoritarian Parenting Styles child development
                               Authoritarian Parenting

This style of parenting includes strict rules and failure results in punishment. The demands must be fulfilled by a child without any error. To achieve targets, parents are not giving any direction to the child. They don't give children options and don't trust them to make good choices. They are not willing to negotiate on any mistakeThe parents are work as dictatorial and there is no answer to "Why".  This type of parenting styles uses punishments for child development without any explanation.

Authoritative Parenting

This is a child-centered approach that also expects high maturity with forgiving of any errors. Authoritative parents are the democratic version of Authoritarian parents.
Authoritative parents establish rules and guidelines, responsive to their children, give adequate support, and listen to questions and feedback.
When a child fails to achieve the expectations, these parents are forgiving rather than punishing.
Parents also understand the feeling of their children. They help children to find a solution to problems. They provide independent but proper limits on their actions. Authoritative parent gives the proper reasons why children are being punished.

Permissive Parenting

Baumrind Permissive parents Styles Child Development
Permissive parents

Permissive parents are indulgent parents; they are more responsive than demand. They are not demanding discipline, achievements from children.
They are always communicative with their children and treat them as a friend. Here the friendliness is key to child development.

Uninvolved Parenting

Uninvolved parenting Styles child development
Uninvolved parenting

The fourth style is known as neglectful or uninvolved parenting. This style includes fewer demands, rare communication, no guidance, and low responsiveness.
Generally, they are detached from their child's life after fulfilling basic needs. Many times they are rejected or neglect the need of their child.

The Impact of Parenting Styles

Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development
Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development

How does parenting styles affect child development?

  • Authoritarian style results in obedient and proficient children, but self-esteem, social competence and happiness are missing.
  • Authoritative parenting styles result in a happy, capable, and successful child.
  • Permissive parenting often results in overall low ranking.
  • Uninvolved parenting styles lead their children to low self-esteem, self-control, and low competence than others.

Which parenting style is the most effective for child development?

Authoritative parents are easily acceptable by children because they prepare rules with an explanation. The most effective parenting styles depends on the present situation of the family. Sometimes it is better to follow Authoritative parenting by father and Permissive parenting by mother. The combination of both styles is better than any single parenting style.

Some other parenting styles are

Attachment parenting

This parenting styles is based on the psychological bonding theory. Bonding is only in terms of body closeness and touch and not in empathy and responsiveness.
The seven babies bonding are Breastfeeding, Birth bonding, Babywearing, Bedding close to a baby, Belief in the language value of your baby's cry, Beware of baby trainers, and Balance
There are four types of attachment parenting are

  • Secure,
  • Insecure-avoidant,
  • Insecure-resistant, and
  • Disorganized attachment.

Child-centered parenting

This is based on the unique personhood and the real needs of each child. Generally, this type of parenting is difficult and there are maximum chances of failure.

Positive parenting

This includes full support and consistent guidance throughout the childhood stages. The parent enhanced their child's talents with the help of extracurricular activities.
Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development
Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development

Narcissistic parenting

In this type of parent affected by narcissistic personality disorder and think that child is born for the parent's benefit.

Nurturant parenting

Child development opportunities are created by the whole family and they are allowed to explore surrounding within the protection of the family.


The name indicates the exact meaning; parents try to interfere in every activity of children's life. They are not allowed children to solve their own problems independently.  Such parents named as helicopter parents because they are always hovering on children's heads.

Affectionless control

In Affectionless control, there is a lack of parental care with high control over a child. This will result in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and sometimes suicidal behavior.

Slow parenting

Slow parenting is one of the forms of idle parenting in which children are allowed to take care of themself, develop their own interests, enjoy their childhood,  grow with their own decisions with lots of family time. Simple toys are used instead of electronic devices.

Toxic parenting

Toxic parenting happens when there is negative thinking, overly critical to children, abuse them, and use guilt to control children. This is very poor parenting and the child and parent relationship is toxic. This will disturb the child, lower his self-esteem. The children grow in such parenting will carry toxic parenting to their children.

Dolphin parenting

Dolphin parenting is a perfect balance of strict rules and a lack of rules. The nature of parents is like a dolphin, being "social, playful and intelligent".
Dolphin parents avoid busy activities, overprotectiveness, and give preference to the desires and goals of children.

 'Ethnic Minority' parenting style

This was stated in the USA for Asian background children and refers to exceptionally high academic achievements. Ethnic Minority style differs from authoritarian parenting and authoritative parenting.
This style produces a high academic performance in children by demanding high and responding high.
Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development
Baumrind Parenting Styles Child Development

Quotes and Tips for Parenting Styles and child development

  • Keep your phone off while talking to children
  • Listen carefully to what the child is saying
  • Interact with him
  • Accept the children's opinions and attitudes.
  • Look at them with respect.
  • Always appreciate them.
  • Share the good news, events with them.
  • Talk to their friends and loved ones.
  • Remember the children's good things.
  • If the child says something, again and again, respond without getting angry.
  • Don't share old annoying memories with them.
  • Avoid talking aside in their presence.
  • Don't criticize that their opinions and thoughts will be the same as age.
  • Do not interrupt the child while he is speaking.
  • Give children the right to lead in your presence.
  • Do not raise your voice when talking to children.
  • Always walk with them, not past them.
  • Never spread your legs over the object in front of them in their presence.
  • Don't lean on them.
  • Let children know that you understand their pain and anxiety.
  • Do not show that you are bored in their presence.
  • Don't laugh at their mistakes.
  • Make the right choice of words when talking to them.
  • Call them by their name. They love it.
  • Give them the highest priority over anything and anyone.

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